#FS <- Boruta(satisfaction~., data = Capd, doTrace =2)
Data Partition
# set.seed(1234) # A Random Sampling with replacement# # #Data Partition in to trainign and testing# # Model <- sample(2, nrow(Capd), replace = T, prob = c(0.7, 0.3))# train <- Capd[Model ==1,]# test <- Capd[Model ==2,]
Building the Model
# #Random Forest Model# set.seed(333)# as.data.frame(Capd) # we converted the data in to datafarme# # rf23 <-randomForest(satisfaction~., data = train, method = "class", na.action=na.exclude)
The overall accuracy of the model was found to be 95% with a sensitivity of 97% and specificity of 93%
Most of the customers were unsatisfied with the airline service. Therefore based on these findings, the Random-Forest algorism predicated 57% at 95% accuracy with a sensitivity of 97% and specificity of 93% that the participants were not satisfied with the daily operation of the airline industry, especially in the areas involved in Air travelers purchasing ticket/booking online, values added services
Considering that 57% of participants reported not being satisfied with airline service rendered this is a significant proportion that may significantly decrease the daily, weekly or monthly income revenues generated.
Therefore, this findings recommends that the airline industry should endeavor to improve daily operation services, especially in the areas of travelers purchasing tickets/booking online, value-added services such, as In-flight Wi-Fi service, check-in service, Baggage handling
This will increase the volume of patronage and, as a result, boost their market share and hence profitability.